Institutions, Public Policy and the Product Life Cycle: Globalization of Biomanufacturing and Implications for Massachusetts

Biomanufacturing, specifically of large molecules, is one of the most complex types
of manufacturing that exists. The challenge of scaling up living organisms combined with purifying their products to ensure safe administration to human beings creates a high risk process technically, financially, and from a public health perspective.

Diffusion of Academic R&D Capabilities as an Industrial Innovation Policy? – The Development of Israel’s IT Industry

How Computerized Work and Globalization Shape Human Skill Demands

As this paper is being completed, the United States labor market continues to recover from the 2000-2001 recession. Between August 2003 and August 2005, non-farm employment had grown by 3.7 million people.

This employment growth is the net outcome of two competing forces. While some occupations expand, work that can be done at less cost by computers or workers in lower wage countries continues to disappear. The result is both a changing mix of jobs and a changing mix of tasks within jobs. Our purpose in this paper is to outline these changes and their educational implications from an economist’s perspective. In sum, what education and skills are needed to earn a decent living in the labor market created by computers and globalization?

Globalization and Jobs in the Automotive Industry

Global Value Chains and Economic Globalization- Towards a new Measurement Framework

Economic globalization is a dynamic, long-term historical process that ebbs and flows, waxes and wanes, and changes its character and extent over time, all with profound effects on countries in the trading system. Advances in information technology, better codification schemes, and improvements in transport and logistics increase the potential for the geographical fragmentation of work. Because of this, the potential for economic globalization appears to be increasing rapidly.